Audrey and Tom

Audrey and Tom

10 August 2011

Spring clean-up

It’s that time of year again – Spring clean-up. And, here ,it means the kids’ wardrobes need sorting out. This is when my pile of empty nappy-boxes comes in handy. One box of too-small-for-Tommy-but-not-worth-keeping-for-Audrey, one box of too-small-for-Tommy-and-may-come-in-handy-for-Audrey, one box of too-small-for-Audrey-straight-to-lifeline, one box of cute-little-Audrey-clothes-I-cannot-bare-to-part-with-yet.

And here’s the rub! WHAT do you keep FOR-EVER!??? Next year, I will look through this box and halve its size, until I have maybe 1 piece left. There is the cute little outfit Aunty Katrien got in St-Tropez

before I even knew I was having a girl, but I was already calling my unborn child Charlotte. (We have such confidence in our gut instinct in my family! And we change our mind about baby names more often than other humans!) Will I ever part with that? At the moment, I think not!

Tommy had this gorgeous jumper (cashmere, I think, and 150 Euros!) that I will treasure forever. And his first Birkenstocks! Will I ever let Audrey wear them? Undecided as of yet. By the time she fits them, something new will have come our way.

And then, there are those nice (but not great) size 10-dresses I keep in the back of MY wardrobe. They went out of fashion 8 years ago. I am sure I never want to be seen in them again, but I will keep them for yet another year, just in case, maybe, this is the year they will fit me again. And that thought is just too exhilarating.

Time for chocolate!

1 comment:

Fussy Eater's Mum said...

Thank you for being my 100th follower on Life With A Fussy Eater! I look forward to following back!

By the way, I've got a box of size 10 dresses too!